Instagram Name Ideas for Book Lovers

Instagram Name Ideas for Book Lovers

When I started reaching out to other readers and writers on the internet, I figured I should try Instagram. I honestly just picked it because I like drawing and looking at photos in general. But when I went to set up an account, I realized I needed a good Instagram name idea, and fast! With so many people on the platform, the possible name ideas that I came up with all returned the same result: this name is already taken. Argh!

I eventually settled on an Instagram name, but I figured that if I was having trouble, other people might be trying to come up with their own online handles and hitting a similar wall. With that in mind, I figured I would share this post to help stir up some awesome Instagram name ideas for any book lovers out there who are also stuck. 🙂

(Quick note: I don’t know if any of these name ideas have been snapped up since this post was published, but Instagram should tell you if a handle is already taken.)

Instagram name ideas related to books and reading

One really easy way to generate Instagram name ideas is to simply take your name or nickname and combine it with a bookish noun or adjective. E.g., Hannah.and.her.quills, or biblio.emily. One of the best Instagram name ideas I’ve seen in the wild was something like “me.myshelf.and.i”. Shelves and puns! Shamelessly delightful. Here are some more bookish words you can fold into the mix:

pages, biblio, pens, quills, paper, book, books, shelf, shelves, reader, reading, fiction, lit, bookish

If you don’t want to use your given name at all in your Instagram handle (which is perfectly fine), you can also try out something like your favorite color or animal, your zodiac sign, a lucky number, or your country name. E.g., books_in_blue, indonesian_pages, biblio.leo

Bonus tip: You can also generate Instagram name ideas by borrowing an author’s name. E.g., austen_city_limits,, or what.the.charles.dickens

Instagram name ideas from poems and literature

Maybe there’s a poem that you like, or a lyrical book passage that contains a beautiful phrase. Take the William Blake poem The Tyger, which starts like this:

Tyger Tyger, burning bright,

In the forests of the night;

What immortal hand or eye,

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

Is there a phrase that grabs your eye? Personally, I feel like tiger_burning_bright or fearful_symmetry would make for awesome Instagram names! Comb through your summer reading list or some classic poems online to see if any good name ideas jump out at you.

Instagram name ideas related to book genres

Are you a fan of a particular fiction genre? There are TONS of options when it comes to inspired names. Borrow or combine words from the following lists to craft an Instagram name idea that really strikes your fancy!

Instagram name ideas related to mysteries

mystery, sleuth, detective, Sherlock, spyglass, curious, riddles, puzzles, enigma

Instagram name ideas related to fantasy or paranormal romance

Fae, faerie, dragon, unicorn, selkie, shifter, shapeshifter, mermaid, siren, witch, wizard, muggle, griffin, vampire, spell, magic, hex, wolf, hobbit

Instagram name ideas related to historical fiction (or swords and sorcery, if that’s your thing 😉 )

pirate, baroness, baron, archer, arrows, swords, banners, warhorse, shield, lance, hedgewitch, servant, queen, lady, princess, court, hunter, huntress

Instagram name ideas related to sci-fi

Sci-fi, mecha, starship, warpdrive, mechanical, pilot, stowaway, navigator, admiral, starborn, starry, Andromeda, colony


It can take some time to find a name you like, so don’t be afraid to jot down several ideas. And don’t forget–in the end, the most important part is to reach out and start posting!

If you liked this post, be sure to check out the book hashtags that I use to find other book friends on Instagram. And if you need a name for a fictional character, check out my last name generator ideas, too!

One thought on “Instagram Name Ideas for Book Lovers

  1. Woww , now i have got the idea, i am really happy to start my own books blogs

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