Machine of Death: 3 Free Short Stories

Machine of Death: 3 Free Short Stories

Hi, book friends! Have you heard of the book Machine of Death? It’s a collection of science fiction stories (edited by Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo, and David Malki), and all of the stories revolve around the same premise: there is a machine where you put in your blood sample, and it will spit out a card printed with a word or phrase that tells you how you’re going to die.

The machine of death is never wrong, but the kicker is that it’s often vague or cryptic. (For example, the card could say “OLD AGE”—maybe it means you’ll die of old age, or maybe it means you’re going to get hit by an 90-year-old man driving his Buick too fast.)

Anyway, here are three stories I wrote and submitted for the collection back in THE DAY. (Machine of Death came out in 2010!) These didn’t make it into the final book, but I love them anyway and wanted to share with you guys. Hope you enjoy! 🙂

Short story #1: ‘Diving accident’


Short story #2: ‘T’


Short story #3: ‘TARP’


If you like this post, be sure to check out my post with 10 fantasy writing prompts. And there’s another free short story with shapeshifter boys here: Bonfires and Blizzard Bucks. Happy reading! 🙂

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